LPS-BIOSCIENCES attended to PharmaLab 2023

📣November 21-22th 2023, Martine CAROFF and Flavien DARDELLE from LPS-BIOSCIENCES attended #Pharmalab congress to give a talk on endotoxins.
🚨First information: Good news for rabbits, #RPT is being phased out of the Pharmacopoeia!
“All endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides, but all lipopolysaccharides are not endotoxins!”
Meet us at #PharmaLab2023 to know more about some amazing #LPS #structures and how they can be tricky to test and characterize, but sometimes tamed, and becoming beneficial for health.
We will be presenting with Flavien DARDELLE some of the data gathered for years at LPS-BioSciences and HEPHAISTOS-Pharma
PharmaLab 2023 – these are participants and speakers from more than 150 companies and institutions from more than 25 countries. In addition to experts from industry and laboratories, there are also representatives from various official institutions – e.g. licensing, inspections, pharmacopoeia, research – e.g. from Germany, France, the United Kingdom and US.