Eurofed Lipid Congress

The European Eurofed Lipid Congress held in Montpellier in 14-17 September 2014 was gathering 900 participants.
Oils, Fats and Lipids were presented in domains like Health, Biology, Microbiology, Agriculture and Industry.
In a session devoted to Microbial lipids, Pr. J.-O. Lee from Korea gave a talk on “Recognition of lipopolysaccharides by TLR4 and its accessory proteins”. This talk explained how different LPS structures were recognized by the MD2-TLR4 complex and was followed by examples in the presentation “Structures to activities relationships in the Bordetella lipopolysaccharides” presented by Dr. Martine Caroff. It was shown how discrete modifications of lipid A structures could lead to drastic changes in the cytokine induction process.