Eurofed Lipid Congress

September 14, 2014 11:57 am

The European Eurofed Lipid Congress held in Montpellier in 14-17 September 2014 was gathering  900 participants.

​Oils, Fats and Lipids were presented in domains like Health, Biology, Microbiology, Agriculture and Industry.

In a session devoted to Microbial lipids, Pr. J.-O. Lee from Korea gave a talk on “Recognition of lipopolysaccharides by TLR4 and its accessory proteins”. This talk explained how different LPS structures were recognized by the MD2-TLR4 complex and was followed by examples in the presentation “Structures to activities relationships in the Bordetella lipopolysaccharides” presented by Dr. Martine Caroff​. It was shown how discrete modifications of lipid A structures could lead to drastic changes in the cytokine induction process.